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WEB 2005/03/09 17:01:26 0/0

「マツケンサンバ」がついにあのThe New York Timesに登場したのはいいのだけれど...

2005/02/19付ART面記事「A Samurai And Japan Get Samba Night Fever」より引用。

The world depicted in "The Violent Shogun" is black and white, one in which people are good or bad, and men and women have clearly defined traits. Mr. Matsudaira's samurai is strong and gentle to the weak. Women fall for him, but truly the stoic warrior, he shows no interest in or weakness for them. The episodes open with the image that came to define Mr. Matsudaira: wearing the samurai's top-knot and a simple robe, sitting atop a white horse galloping on a beach, his sword dangling at his side.

暴れん坊将軍=The Violent Shogunって、あまりにも直訳しすぎ(笑)

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